Pre-Pregnancy Planning
Explore some information about planning for your pregnancy, and an array of fertility services available through Four Corners OB/GYN.
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Overview of Pre-Pregnancy Planning
Pre-pregnancy planning services at Four Corners OB/GYN encompass comprehensive care aimed at optimizing the health and well-being of individuals planning to conceive.
Our experienced healthcare providers offer personalized consultations, preconception counseling, and thorough medical evaluations to address any underlying health conditions and ensure optimal fertility and pregnancy outcomes.
We provide guidance on prenatal vitamins, lifestyle modifications, and reproductive health screenings to support individuals in achieving their family planning goals with confidence and preparation.
Infertility services at Four Corners OB/GYN offer compassionate support and comprehensive care for individuals and couples facing challenges in conceiving. Our experienced healthcare providers offer thorough evaluations, diagnostic testing, and personalized treatment plans tailored to address underlying causes of infertility. While IVF and more advanced infertility care cannot be offered locally, we can begin the process and refer you to a higher level of infertility care in cases where it is needed.
We offer several procedures that help evaluate for possible causes of infertility, including:
diagnostic ultrasound, saline infused sonohysterogram (SIS) and hysterosalpingogram (HSG). SIS is an ultrasound study that helps evaluate for abnormalities in the uterine cavity. HSG is an X-ray test that evaluates the uterine cavity and can identify blockages of the fallopian tubes.